
Mum in the Mad House

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February Love & Kindness – Little Joys, Big Celebrations!

February Newsletter Could Do February Love & Kindness Whoop - we have got through the darkest quarter of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and daffodils are back in the shops. Those bright yellow flowers are what I treat myself to when I do the food shop. They bring so much bang for their buck and it got me thinking about how noticing the little things makes life more joyous. February is a short month, the littlest of the year, but it brings many things to celebrate and notice, including...
The Mad House local set in a winter environment with Hello H=January

2025: A new year, a fresh chapter to dream, learn, and grow brighter than ever. 🌟

Welcome 2025 January Activities January 2025 Do you jump into the new year with resolutions and positivity or quietly creep in with gentle steps? I am a throwback to the academic year and a gentle January person (hense this Newsletter not being sent on the 1st)! We joke that I am all about hibernating! I go gently into the darkest month of the year thanks to my seasonal adjustive disorder plus as the wife of an accountant in the throws of tax season. I have developed tools to help me through...
Happy New year banner above The Mad House logo

✨ Embracing the Hush: Winter Crafts, New Year Fun & January Prep ❄️

The Hush 150 Low Cost or No Cost Winter Activities Betwixment I adore this time between Christmas and New Year. Even more so now my family are growing up. Last year for the first time in over 20 years my husband had to work over Christmas and New Year, but it also meant that he didn't have to work weekends in January (he is an accountant and that is tax season here in the UK).So we take things so - I read books, watch TV, craft and create for myself and not for work reasons and connect with...
the Mad House logo with A sign saying Merry Christmas above

🎄 Merry Christmas! Reindeer Food, Festive Fun, and a Special Thank You 🎁

Merry Christmas Reindeer Food Merry Christmas I just wanted to drop a quick email to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and thank you for all the support in 2024. I have just made a batch of reindeer food as even though my boys are teenagers, this (along with new PJs - got to look clean on those Christmas Day photos) is one of our Christmas Eve traditions! I plan to spend the quiet time between Christmas and New Year's with my family and crafts, crafting, quilting, and feasting! Jen...
The Mad House logo surrounded by Festive Icons

Dive into December

December Newsletter Simply Christmas without Losing the Magic Remember its Presence is not Present that matter December is one of my favourite months. I am a December Baby (20th to be precise) and for me, December has always been a month of anticipation and excitement. When I was growing up the Christmas tree went up on the 21st after my birthday but the decorations (think paper streamers and honeycomb balls in every primary colour) were always up for my birthday celebrations. December can be...

Tne beautiful task of Advent to awaken in all of us memories of goodness and thus to open doors of hope

Advent Simplfy Christmas without losiong the Magic The build-up to Christmas is always busy for parents, but for me, I have always tried to focus on Advent as a time for a small amount of joy each day. It is a time for anticipation. Family traditions can be fluid and change over the years. Ours have (my boys are 18 and 19 now), but some things stay the same. We still have New pyjamas on Christmas Eve, and they sprinkle some safe reindeer food! I don’t craft so much with the boys now, but my...
The Mad House logo surrounded by fireworks, sparklers, Poppy, Kindness and toffee apple

Kindness & Care: November’s Cozy Days and Heartfelt Ways

November Newsletter Self Care Ideas - Low Cost or No Cost Finding Light in the Darkness I don't think I have made it a secret that I suffer from Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder and I have to work hard in these darker months to find the lights. One way I do this is to focus on spending November preparing for the festive season. I like to do as much as I can so that nothing gets dropped if I get down. I also go on a quilting retreat every November (make sure you follow me on...

Spooktacular Halloween Activities for Half Term: Simple and Fun Ideas to keep the kids occupled

Half-term is here so why not have a half-term full of Halloween fun with these spooky activities for kids! From DIY crafts to tasty treats, there’s something to keep every little ghoul and goblin entertained. Here are some fantastic ideas to make your Halloween holiday extra special. If you like my content or have downloaded a free printable, please buy me a tea or donate to allow me to continue offering accessible human-made content. 1. Create DIY Halloween Costumes Put together creative...
The Mad House logo surrounded by fireworks, sparklers, a bonfire and toffee apple

Let there be Light - Diwali & Fireworks Special

Diwali and Fireworks 20 Firework Crafts Let there be light! This is a special newsletter all about bringing light for Diwali (which is Friday 1st November this year) and Guy Fawkes on the 5th! the fireworks in your soul light up the world. Fireworks are a reminder that even the darkest nights can be filled with beautyThis time of year is filled with festivals and celebrations and they bring with them some fav crafts and learning activities. I am all for bringing more light to these dark days...