Tne beautiful task of Advent to awaken in all of us memories of goodness and thus to open doors of hope


The build-up to Christmas is always busy for parents, but for me, I have always tried to focus on Advent as a time for a small amount of joy each day. It is a time for anticipation.

Family traditions can be fluid and change over the years. Ours have (my boys are 18 and 19 now), but some things stay the same. We still have New pyjamas on Christmas Eve, and they sprinkle some safe reindeer food!

I don’t craft so much with the boys now, but my friend and I started hosting a Gingerbread Party for the adults, which is a new tradition that I enjoy.

Plus I am off for a few days away with my bestie and we are planning lots of festive crafts to do together in the evenings.

I hope that you find some ideas and inspiration in this Newsletter for this special time. I would love to hear about your family traditions.

Advent Candles

Before the first Sunday of Advent, which this year is December 1st, I like to make an advent wreath, crown and get the Advent Candles out. Over the years we have had some great ones made by the kids and me, including a child-safe advent crown and a wooden bead one inspired by Ferm Living.

But Advent isn’t just for Children, as an adult I use it to take five minutes for me. I have small candles that I burn each day or a large candle that I burn for a small amount of time and use that time to focus and meditate. I also created a self-care advent calendar which would be great to gift to someone to make sure that they focus on themselves at this busy time of the year because you can’t pour from an empty cup . You don't have to make one - I have a free printable that will turn any jar candle into an advent candle.

Advent Calendars

When the boys were younger I planned a small advent activity for each day. Something small such as a special hot chocolate with marshmallows and candy canes or watching a Christmas film under blankets. It gave us dedicated time together where they were my whole focus sometimes just for five minutes each day. I had a whole list of things and just picked what worked for each day, most of them we had to do anyway such as writing Christmas cards, so I just turned the ordinary into a little bit more of an event.

We all love an advent calendar, whether that is a chocolate one or a traditional paper one there is something for everyone and if you want to make your own we have you covered:

As my kids got older I noticed that Advent was becoming much more commercialised with massive calendars filled with expensive gifts. So I created Advent Acts of Kindness (we have loads of free printables) and then the Reverse Advent Calendar.

Advent doesn’t have to mean Elf on the Shelf and we have some magical alternatives here. I am not knocking the Elf and if that works for you - great. However, it pays to remember that there is a lot of pressure to keep these traditions up over the years, which often comes down to Mum. Come on we take on most of the metal load and every other load at this time of year and sometimes we just don’t want to add to it.

I have always been about simplifying Christmas and I love finding fun ways to create achievable traditions. One that I always love is our Advent Basket. It is filled with our favourite Christmas films and books and brought out at the beginning of December. It is a great hands-off advent activity that gives the children control of their time and allows them to get on with things. I suggest you print off a load of my Christmas Coloring and Activity Printables and pop them in for when you need five minutes.

But Christmas books are not just for younger kids, there is something magical about curling up with a seasonal book and we have them for all ages.

Advent Printables

If you need ten minutes just for you, then our Advent Printables are something that it pays to have up your sleeve:

  1. Advent Colouring Pages
  2. Christmas Wish List Printable
  3. Colouring Bookmarks
  4. Christmas Bookmarks
  5. Christmas Jumper Colouring Pages
  6. Nativity Printable - Cut, colour and play
  7. Christmas Cards - Print, colour and Send
  8. Festive Wreaths to Colour
  9. More Christmas Colouring Pages
  10. Christmas Gift Tages to Colour
  11. Printable 3d Gingerbread House

Advent Angel Craft

Does it get much cuter than this?

These Advent Angels as simple to make and the first week of Advent marks the ascension when the angel Gabriel came and told Mary that she was to have God's child.

Get Ahead - Christmas

You can find ALL our Christmas Content here and our Festive Printables here, which should give you a great start to the festive season

We will be adding to them until Christmas